國際新娘會? oh first time to hear wor!! it seems so fun what did you do in this event?? really register just like the one holding at Ocean Park?? [版主回覆11/30/2010 01:17:00]Yes ar, it is the same organization which held at Ocean Park ar! But for Ocean Park's One need to 證婚 in the event too, so we choose to join this event la! Totally 9 couples joined, we just went to the Peak and 宣誓 we're willing to promote the green wedding message throughout our 婚禮, and took some photos there. It is really meaningful and funny!
我今日睇報紙見到呢個活動呀~! 原來你地參加左~~嘻~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/30/2010 01:09:00]Haha, yes ar!~
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/30/2010 01:11:00]Oh, thank you, the weather is good and the 蛋黃 is really nice ar!! Haha!~
國際新娘會? oh first time to hear wor!! it seems so fun
回覆刪除what did you do in this event?? really register just like the one holding at Ocean Park??
[版主回覆11/30/2010 01:17:00]Yes ar, it is the same organization which held at Ocean Park ar! But for Ocean Park's One need to 證婚 in the event too, so we choose to join this event la! Totally 9 couples joined, we just went to the Peak and 宣誓 we're willing to promote the green wedding message throughout our 婚禮, and took some photos there. It is really meaningful and funny!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/09/2010 22:19:00]Thank you very much!!~
GOOD WOR有得join呢d 活動~~正~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/20/2010 17:06:00]係呀, 都幾好玩, 哈哈!~
12.12.12 都有海上郵輪婚禮喎~ 大家可以睇下www.121212starwedding.com~